3 Tell-Tale Noises That Signal You Need Car Repairs

As a car owner, you may have experienced hearing strange noises while driving or starting your car. These noises could be annoying, but more importantly, they could signal a significant problem that requires prompt attention from a mechanic. Rather than simply turn up the radio and plead ignorance, be proactive. Here's a closer look at three hard-to-miss noises that signal you need to take action.

1. High-pitched whine

A high-pitched whine is hard to miss and an inexpensive repair if you act quickly. Your vehicle's serpentine belt, the belt that controls your power steering, water pump, and engine cooling, could be at fault. When the belt is worn, it makes a very loud, high-pitched whine. You simply need to head to an auto repair shop for a replacement belt, which is a fairly inexpensive fix.

However, if you ignore it, the belt could snap. Not only will your car literally stop moving, but it is now a much more expensive repair and a tow charge.

2. Click-click-click

A clicking sound when you start the car almost always means your battery is dead or dying. The clicking noise is usually the result of the starter motor failing to turn the engine over. There are several reasons this could happen, including:

  • Weak battery
  • Left the lights on
  • Problem with the starter motor.

Having jumper cables in your trunk allows you to get a 'jump' from another car. However, this is a temporary solution. You will need to have the battery and starter motor tested and replaced if necessary.

3. Grinding noise

A grinding noise coming from your car's wheels could be a sign that your brake pads are worn out. If you hear a grinding sound when you apply the brakes, it means that the brakes are worn from age and rubbing on other components. While you do not have to run to your auto repair mechanic the moment you hear a faint squeak, it is important not to ignore the problem for long. Think of your brakes as layers. The top layer is the brake pads. They wear out first and are not too expensive to replace. However, if you wait, the pads will wear down, and the damage will start on the next layer, which is a more expensive auto repair.

As a car owner, it's important to pay attention to any strange noises coming from your car. You can avoid costly repairs and excessive damage by recognizing these sounds and taking your car to an auto repair mechanic.  

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