3 Important Factors To Consider When Calling For Towing Services

While a car emergency can occur at any moment, it is possible to be prepared by understanding what calls you need to make and what you need to do with the vehicle while you wait for help. One of the most important calls you should place is to a professional towing company. These experts can help you in various vehicle emergencies, including collisions, low gas levels, flat tires, breakdowns due to mechanical issues, a malfunctioning ignition, etc. When calling for towing services, here are some factors that you need to consider:

The Towing Method

Most vehicles are towed using either the hook and chain or flatbed method. With the hook and chain option, your vehicle is fastened to the tow truck using a specialized hook and pulled to your desired destination. On the other hand, flatbed towing involves hauling your car onto the back of the truck. The latter option tends to be costlier than hook and chain but is also safer and more versatile in meeting the needs of different types of vehicles.

The Location and Destination

The ideal destinations to have your vehicle towed are your home or to a car mechanic. This depends, in large part, on the reason why your vehicle is being towed. For example, if your car has broken down or been involved in a collision, it needs to be taken to the mechanic. However, if it is a case of misplaced keys where you have a spare key at home, the vehicle would need to be towed to your home. In some cases, the towing company may even provide services right where you are stranded to enable you to continue driving. For example, if your car is out of gas, the towing professional can bring you some, enabling you to keep driving.

Preserving Your Towing Receipt and Other Documents

Towing companies issue receipts that usually indicate the type of service they are providing, the charges, and the date and time. It is imperative that you preserve these receipts and any other documentation from the towing company because you may need to present it for insurance, and in some cases, during meditation or court. You also need to remove all essential documents and valuables from the car before it is towed. This is a security measure to help safeguard your property by keeping it in your possession.

While vehicle emergencies can be stressful, hiring professional towing services is a step towards getting you unstuck. Ensure that you get as much information as possible from the towing company during the call, such as cost and method of towing. For more information about towing cars, contact a local towing service.
